On June 5, 2022, the congregation of Trinity Church Saint Bruno celebrated with Reverend Ros Macgregor her achievement of 30 years as a priest.
Following the service, we held a picnic on the lawn of the church. The picnic gave us all a chance to socialize not only among ourselves, but with her. Thirty years in the service of the Lord is a remarkable feat!
Reverend Ros came to Trinity Church as priest after serving in Chambly. She brought with her such dedication to her profession in addition to being a caring shepherd of her flock. She displays immeasurable love for each member of the parish, and provides guidance whenever and wherever needed. She tries to understand where each of us is as we travel on our separate spiritual journey.
Reverend Ros displays exceptional creativity, which is evident each Sunday in her liturgy. She brings props along as her sermons demand and members of the congregation become willing participants.
During the tribute, we thanked her for her selfless ministry and inspiration which she brings to her work. We particularly love Ros’ inclusiveness. Each week, her liturgy package always includes work for the young children. The colouring pages, based on scripture readings, are always so enticing – even for an adult.
While Covid-19 was a challenge for church, Ros kept us together through zoom coffee hour during the week. The weekly liturgy was always emailed to parishioners as Reverend Ros kept open the line of communication between her and her flock.
Reverend Ros’ ministry has touched thousands of people, directly and indirectly. Her work with PWRDF is inspiring; she is the Diocesan Representative and tireless and passionate co-chair of the Montreal Unit. In addition, she is Chaplain of the Mile End Mission in Montreal; a community which she is completely devoted to.
The parishioners are extremely grateful to have Reverend Ros as priest. We look forward to the challenges of the future with her as our leader. God knows her work is not done even after 30 years as a priest.