Heavenly Father, Creator and Lord of Heaven and Earth, we praise you for your care and protection but most of all for your constant presence with us.
We count it a real privilege to be able to converse with you and to allow ourselves to be guided by your grace, wisdom, and mercy. We know that Jesus has promised that whatever we ask for in his name will be granted to us. It is for this reason that we pray without ceasing not just for our own needs, but for those of others, known and unknown to you our Lord and Savior. We give thanks in every instance for answered prayers, delayed requests, and unexpected outcomes.
Wonderful Counselor, Healer and Prince of Peace, we thank you for being our light and salvation in times of darkness and trouble.
We long for peace in our world, peace in our homes and peace in your hearts. As we anxiously wait for your coming again, we pray for economic stability, for better employment opportunities, for improved housing, for solutions to our environmental woes, for abstinence programs from addiction, for healing, and, especially at this time, for comfort to those who mourn.
Emmanuel, Protector, and Lord of Hope, we ask for your inspiration to help us to witness to others so that they too will experience the awesomeness of your strength and friendship.
Through this Advent season, we pray to you Lord to help us understand the Prophets, announce like Angels, respond like Shepherds and honour like the Magi. These skills will prepare us to do the work to fix your broken kingdom. We beseech you to mold us into healers and peacemakers. We pray that by using these gifts, we will reach the lost and broken-hearted and encourage them towards the incredible joy and comfort that prayer with you can offer.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Valerie and Stacey