
A Prayer from the Diocesan Representatives

The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer - Canada

Loving God, maker of all creatures great and small, we thank you for blessing us with companion animals. We are privileged to have the opportunity to care for and be cared by our various pets. They bring us immense pleasure and comfort, fill our homes with life and love, and ask for nothing in return.
At the height of the Covid19 pandemic, those who had pets were comforted and grateful. Others, who yearned for pets, procured them and were rewarded with great joy. We confess that with the return to in-person office hours and the onset of high inflation, many among us are no longer able to give our companion animals the attention they need and deserve.
Gracious God, we lift in pray those among us who are forced to abandon their pets due to lifestyle changes. This loss is hard as these owners truly want to keep their companions, but can’t. We pray that you will soften the hearts of those who manage restrictive leases and maintain narrow policies for seniors’ residences. May they come to appreciate that the benefits of pet ownership outweigh the inconvenience and cost.
Creator God, we pray that through your Divine hand you will be with these surrendered and vulnerable animals. Like us, they are scared of the unknown and dislike change. Some are grieving owners who have died while others are skittish due to mistreatment and neglect. We thank you for bringing people into their lives who will love and care for them just as they are. We pray that you will sustain and guide all staff and volunteers who work for rescue organizations and shelters as they are the first point of contact for these orphaned creatures. We pray for all foster families who open their hearts to them as they wait impatiently for forever homes.
Eternal God, we implore you to be with all pet owners when they must say goodbye to their companions due to illness, old age, or accident. Help them discern the right time to seek euthanasia and not feel guilty with this difficult decision. This loss is hard and the void is great. We pray for comfort and peace for the bereft. Ultimately, we pray that humans never lose the zeal for companion animals nor the love and responsibility that comes with this bond.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Valerie Bennett and Stacey Neale

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