Gracious God, we thank you for bringing us through another winter and for showing us the new possibilities that come with spring. We are grateful for your generous blessing towards us and our faith community. We praise you for your presence in our lives.
We confess that we have not always been encouragers to our neighbours and have failed at times to be our siblings’ keepers. We pray that you will help us to change our ways and to always be on the lookout to prevent harm and danger being perpetrated towards the vulnerable among us.
God of inspiration and innovation, we thank you for all the great advances in technology that we often take for granted. Most of these tools are being used to make life easier and more meaningful for us. However, some people have found underhanded ways of manipulating this technology and harming others in the process.
Lord, we pray that you will change the hearts and minds of these hackers and fraudsters who have decided to harm the elderly and the naïve, thus profiting from their misfortune. Help them see that the love of money is the root of evil. Help them, like Zacchaeus, repent and reimburse their victims four times their loss (Luke 19:8). Please convince these scammers, we pray, to use their excellent skills to improve the world, making it a more peaceful and happier place to inhabit.
Finally, we plead with you Gracious God to instill in our precious seniors the skill of discernment to spot these dishonest schemes and to protect them when these ploys seem so authentic.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Valerie Bennett and
Stacey Neale