Deconsecration of St. Martin’s House Church in Otterburn Park
St. Martin’s was formed as a parish on April 28, 1958, originally worshiping in the Legion. Their new Church was dedicated January 19th, 1961. The
The Rev Andy O’Donnell is the Incumbent of St Stephen’s with St James, Chambly.
St. Martin’s was formed as a parish on April 28, 1958, originally worshiping in the Legion. Their new Church was dedicated January 19th, 1961. The
Father Linus Buriani has been successful in his first year at Montreal Diocesan Theological College (DIO) and McGill. He is expecting 3 A’s this term;
RHSSPT stands for Regional health and social service table. The Rev. Linda Faith, former incumbent of St Paul’s, GFP, received a RHSSPT STAR Program Award