Bishop’s Awards 2020

Carol Johnson poses with Bishop Mary after receiving her award at St John’s Church in Huntingdon on Sunday, December 5, 2021. Photo by Janet Best

Editor’s Note: Each year, these awards are presented to lay people who have made an outstanding contribution over several years to the life and work of their Parish and the Diocese at large. There has been a delay in both naming – and presenting – the Bishop’s Awards due to the pandemic.  The other 2020 recipients – Chris Haslam, of Christ Church Cathedral and Jeff Alexander and Sophie Lanthier of All Saints Deux Montagnes – will be featured in the next issue of the Anglican Montreal, following the presentation of their plaques. If you know of someone you think worthy of the award,  please notifiy your parish priest by Easter.

Carol Johnson, St John’s, Huntingdon
Archdeaconry of St. Lawrence

Carol Johnson poses with Bishop Mary after receiving her award at St John’s Church in Huntingdon on Sunday, December 5, 2021. Photo by Janet Best

The late Rev Dr Brian Evans retired from St John’s Huntingdon last year.

Carol, a Diocesan Lay Reader who attends all Lay Reader functions, really is the glue that has held St. John’s together over the last few years, since my original open heart surgery.

On numerous occasions she has done the service at the last minute, once on less than 10 minutes notice. Because of Carol, it is rare that St. John’s doesn’t have a Sunday service.

Not only does she do services, she also is the server and prepares the elements for consecration, does the scheduling for Sunday readers, Sunday intercessors (she produces a full text each week for them), chalice administrators, and reminds the coffee hour hostesses early in the week they are on duty.

One week just before the Eucharist I had cut my shin open on the leg of a kneeler and was bleeding quite extensively. Carol got the bleeding stopped, sent me to hospital, then did Matins.

In all the years of nominating and deciding on recipients, I believe there are none more worthy than Carol, and I am proud and delighted that she has been honoured with this award.

Anita Young, St Stephen with St James Anglican Church, Chambly
Archdeaconry of South Shore Richelieu Bedford

Anita Young receiving her award from Bishop Mary at St Stephen with St James in Chambly on Sunday, November 21, 2021. Photo by Janet Best.

Andy O’Donnell
The Rev Andrew O’Donnell is priest in charge at Saint Stephen with Saint James, Chambly

During my first conversation with Anita she said “I love my little church”. Over the last year and a half, she has constantly reaffirmed that statement through the many acts and responsibilities she has undertaken.

Anita has been a long-time member of Saint Stephens with Saint James. To touch on some of the roles she has done well: she has been a warden, a member of hiring committees, and has volunteered on the majority of ACW projects and events.  Currently Anita is the parish communications coordinator, the head of the Altar Guild and she produces our weekly Sunday bulletin and the monthly combined list organizing the rotation for service readers, altar assistants, greeters and readers for the prayers of the people.

Anita is also a long-time member of our weekly Bible study and she has volunteered at almost every single event that is the parish has done in the last number of years. She has approached her responsibilities with competence and dedication. Her faithfulness has an ongoing impact on the growth and maturity of this church, and she remains a pleasure to work with.

On the Deanery level Anita supported several of our neighboring parishes and their events over the years. On the diocesan level, Anita will be our parish representative for the upcoming Synod.

Anita has been a long-term active member of the Eastern Star.  She has held the title of Worthy Matron, along with holding several positions within their executive.  She is currently the president of the local bowling League.

I believe that Anita’s faithfulness, prayerfulness and dedication to the “little church that she loves” makes her deserving of this award.

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