We are building for the future of the church here in Montreal, even while we don’t know exactly what it will look like. What we can affirm is that we want to be faithful and courageous as we follow God’s initiatives and find ways to share Christ’s love. We want to equip our leaders and prepare them for ministry. That’s why I am excited to draw your attention to this year’s Bishop’s Action Appeal for Curates. Curacies are times when new clergy leaders are given in-depth, practical training for ministry.
On All Saints weekend I was privileged to attend the Synod of the Diocese of Quebec and to spend time with the faithful and hardworking clergy and lay leaders as they met to think and pray about the future together. In his Charge to Synod, Bishop Bruce Myers, said:
“What does “a vibrant and sustainable Anglican Christian presence in eastern and central Quebec” resemble? A more basic question might be: what does the future hold?
My honest answer is: I don’t know. What I do know is that all that we are doing—updating our governance, emphasizing discipleship formation, setting up new ministry structures, implementing robust financial systems, welcoming new staff and officers—we are doing not to keep busy or to kill time or run out the clock, but because we believe we have a future.
A few years ago, someone shared with me a letter they once received from a previous bishop of Quebec, which included the following line: “I am sure,” wrote the bishop, “that I don’t have to tell you the future of our church in the diocese looks grim, but we must work at it.”
The author of the letter was Bishop Allen Goodings and the year was 1977. God clearly wasn’t finished with the Diocese of Quebec 47 years ago, and God isn’t finished with us now. As long as we’re open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, God will continue to use this church to accomplish God’s good purposes in the world.”
I am excited about the future of the Church—here in the Diocese of Montreal and also in the Diocese of Quebec, because I believe the Spirit of God will lead us in faithfulness and give us the power to do more than we can ask or imagine.
As we move through the Advent season towards Christmas, I rejoice that God is with us always. Alleluia! Come Lord Jesus! Grow your future in us.
Mary Irwin-Gibson
The Rt. Rev Mary Irwin-Gibson is the 12th Bishop of Montreal.