Community Garden

Volunteers prepare the black earth for the vegetables which will help feed the local community.

A Labour of Love

Saturday, May 08, 2021 marked the beginning of a new project for St Joseph of Nazareth Anglican Church with Mission Nouvelle Generation. The church has offered a portion of the church yard for use by the Mission. We have decided to start a Community garden.
A number of volunteers from the Mission, St. Joseph’s, and the surrounding neighbourhood, worked together from 9:30 am until 2pm (with a one-hour lunch break) to pour and spread the black earth (some 30 yards worth). We hope to plant radishes, spinach, tomatoes, jalapenos, beans, and other delights. The plan is to eventually yield sufficient produce that would be then distributed to people who are in need.
Volunteers left their names on a duty roster, vowing to visit the garden and do any necessary weeding and watering.
It is hoped that this initiative will bring people together that might not meet otherwise. Some are intrigued by the opportunity to help others, while some just love gardening. Some are just looking forward to eating. Either way, it was a joy to work and chat together, praising God for such a wonderful spring day.

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