News from Mile End Mission

Mile End Community Mission Chaplain’s Report for 2022

We remember all who have died, especially Neil, a much-loved long-time member and Noemia (Nancy) a dedicated, always hard-working volunteer. We also remember Colin Munro, former board member and chair who died suddenly on 17 December. Colin gave so much to the Mission in so many ways: as a friend, architect, compassionate, thoughtful leader and mentor. When we can be together again safely, we will hold a memorial service for them.

When one of our members moved into a group home I initially kept in touch with cards/letters and then later with walks to chat and get coffee. He often calls the Mission, and I was happy to bring him cigarettes and the goodies we know he likes.

This contact led to me preparing 18 Christmas stockings for the residents at the home as well as bringing them treats for special occasions. In the near future, when it is safe, I will be presiding at a small eucharist for those who wish to attend. The home’s social worker is very thankful to me and the Mission – saying how appreciative the residents are that they are remembered by the outside world.

I was able to prepare another 51 stockings for Mission folks, including one that was delivered to a former member now in a Vermont nursing home, one for her roommate, and several others for people we know who are alone. I fill the stockings with candies, decorations, socks from the Mission, and other needed articles. Missy helped pack the last few things including two large Christmas cookies from Première Moisson. The stockings were handed out with the Christmas baskets.

Ministry has taken different forms during covid – but it has always been creative at the Mission, adapting to the needs of the community, which of course includes the staff. This year I supported the staff with phone calls, and a special gift bag at Christmas with a thank you for their dedication, love, and commitment to Mission members. I also emailed creative liturgies to Mission folks. And finally, I led a special service during Advent called Blue Christmas — we sat in a circle, lit candles, remembered those whom we love who have died and whom we especially miss at Christmastime. It was peaceful and beautiful.

With the help of four friends and Mission folks we held a dinner for 12 Mission members on Christmas Day. We worked together peeling and cooking veggies, preparing stuffing (Julio, the expert), arranging the tables attractively (Lise and others). Lori and Doris prepared the turkey and there were yummy baked goods from friends. The dinner was intimate, quiet and joyful.

It has been disappointing not to be able to be more physically involved at the Mission during the pandemic. I look forward to a return to in-person ministry.

  • Ros Macgregor

    The Rev Roslyn Macgregor is the Chaplain of the Mile End Community Mission

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