Regional Ministry joint service draws over 100 people

Tim Smart
Tom Edmonds and François Morin at the regional ministry at St. James the Apostle, Stanbridge East, June 30, 2024. Photo by Tim Smart.
Kayla Colissimo and daughter Paisley Bockus bringing up the elements for Communion at the regional ministry at St. James the Apostle, Stanbridge East, June 30, 2024. Photo by Tim Smart.

Our most recent Regional Ministry joint services was held at St. James the Apostle Church in Stanbridge East on Sunday, June 30th. It was great to have Bishop Mary with us.
One of the hardest things about rural ministry across such a vast geography is building a feeling of unity between the many rural points.
As such, we designate fifth Sundays as special times of worshipping together from across our entire region. There are no other services sceduled in the region on those Sundays. These are important opportunities for fostering community, fellowship, and teamwork as our Regional Ministry continues to develop.
Regional services are always followed by a potluck lunch.
For small, rural congregations that normally get less than a dozen people on a Sunday morning, these regional services have explosive energy and provide a tremendous sense of hope for the future.
God is not done with rural ministry!

  • Tyson Rosberg

    Fr. Tyson Rosberg is Associate Priest of the Eastern Townships Regional Ministry

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