Bible Story Walk launched at St Paul’s in Greenfield Park

May 5th, 2023: Zoe Potter enjoys one of the nine Bible Story Walk panels installed on the front lawn of St Paul’s Anglican Church in Greenfield Park as Rebecca and Victoria Amato look on. Photo by Janet Best.
Janet Best
The Bible Story Walk launched at St Paul’s, May 5, 2023.
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Neil Mancor and Lee-Ann Matthews
Lee-Ann Matthews at the Bible Story Walk launch.

What is the Bible Story Walk All About?

Stories matter… and as Christians, the most important stories we have are from our books of scripture. Through this medium we find meaning, and have been afforded sacred glimpses not only of our Creator but about who we are and how we came into existence. The story of Creation from the Book of Genesis therefore seemed like an appropriate way to launch the Bible Story Walk pilot project.

How did this idea come to life?

One of the treasures of our Diocese is the unique, sometimes sprawling, sometimes modest, church properties with green spaces, gardens, paths, trees, flowers and trails. They beautify neighborhoods and fortify the environment, and can be found in both urban and rural settings. These spaces are notorious for attracting children and families for picnics or spontaneous games of frisbee or soccer. In short, they are a blessing to gardeners, dog walkers, cyclists and pedestrians, all of whom are known to enjoy them at their leisure.

In light of all this, we wanted to increase the value of these lawns and outdoor spaces so we designed The Bible Story Walk Project, a rotating outdoor art installation for church properties.

The objective of this project is to encourage passersby to slow down, or stop, reflect, ask questions and wonder. The story provides viewers with an opportunity for engagement as each of the stations has a question to consider and reflect upon.

The Bible Story Walk is an offering to our neighbors, it meets them where they are. It encourages the innate spiritual curiosity of children and a deeper longing to learn and grow in faith at any age or stage of life.

There are nine podiums that will be installed in strategic locations along walkways or paths that will neither impose nor demand but instead invite people to pause, to breathe, maybe even to pray, without any expectations.

The Story Walk panels are fastened into the ground and are equipped with a QR code which will allow spectators to learn more about not only the project and the Diocese of Montreal, but will also be linked to the website of the host church.

About the artist/the process

As an educator and author/illustrator of a children’s book I am invested in finding innovative ways to encourage kids to read and explore stories.

One ordinary day I was passing my local library with my dog when I came across an interesting display on a fence. Pages of a popular children’s book had been enlarged and plastified allowing children and families to read the story as they passed.

This struck me as such a generous offering to the community. Allowing kids on bikes or skateboards to get glimpses of children’s literature if they are in a hurry or to slow down and read more carefully if they have time. I was touched and moved to discover this and I was inspired to consider how we, as the Anglican Diocese of Montreal, coud be a part of something like this.

And then it came to me. We could! And we should!

So I got to work researching and considering how to bring this project to life. I wrote up a proposal that was met with encouragement and enthusiasm.

We opted to tell the creation story using the carefully considered language of Jerome Berryman in the style of Godly Play. I illustrated the story using watercolor and collage, while making reference to the minimalist approach of the official Godly Play Creation set.

It was an intense creative undertaking that I poured myself into with sheer delight. I consulted with some talented artistic advisors in my circle who provided me with some helpful tips and guidance. I was pleased with how the project unfolded and am delighted now that it has been born and has found its first home at St Paul’s Greenfield Park (321 EmpireGreenfield Park)

This Spring and summer, the installation will be traveling to parishes across the Diocese. We are enthusiastic and hopeful about the reach and impact it will have.

Interested in hosting The Bible Story Walk or learning more? [email protected]

  • Lee-Anne Matthews

    Lee-Ann Matthews is the MTL Youth Project Coordinator and Web & Social Media Coordinator for the Diocese of Montreal

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