God of concord and peace, we give you thanks and praise for the concept of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Every January, we pray as one Church to heal our divisions, to build up our relationships, and to celebrate our diversity. We are called to this journey of reconciliation by remembering the prayer of Jesus that we would all be one, just as You and He are one so that the world would believe also.
God of unity and conversion, help us to truly see how this common desire to love, worship and adore you can light our path together within the Church and beyond. By studying your Word, praying in harmony, and living justly, we pray that our love for you grows deeper and bolder every day. We beseech you to help us to realize that we should not keep your love and Good News to ourselves, but share it with all the world.
God of action and justice, help us to bring this sentiment of abundant love and praise for you to the wider world that aches with conflict, hate and greed. A united Church is tantamount to a united and peaceful world. We pray that through our passion for you and your blessed Son, this work of healing will transform the world.
Gracious God in Your mercy, hear our prayer and help all Christians make these objectives theirs. Amen.
God bless,
Valerie and Stacey