In this crazy fast-paced world filled with harsh realities, constant changes and challenges that are brought to us in never-ending ‘Breaking News’ alerts and alarms everywhere you turn … you just have to wonder how the children are processing the images of reality they are coming across!
So, with this in the back of our minds, we were thrilled that more Mile End Mission kids got to have a break this past summer to experience a fun-filled and peaceful week within the beautiful arms of nature at the Quebec Lodge Outdoor Centre on Lake Massawippi in Hatley, Québec.
Once again, this camp experience was made possible through the Anglican Foundation of Canada’s annual ‘Say Yes! to Kids’ fundraising initiative and generous donors in our community.
For a second year, another one of our campers, Devon, loved the experience so much that he now wants to become a camp counsellor. Paige, who went to camp with the Mission kids last year was hired this past summer as a camp counsellor in the Laurentians!
More than ever, our kids need to experience the wonders of nature, be shown new paths and be inspired.