Education for Ministry (EfM) is a place where all questions about our faith are welcome. It is a place where we can experience Jesus’ words in the Gospels, study the letters Paul wrote to early Christian communities, realize the importance of the Hebrew Bible, read about the First Council of Nicaea, Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Cranmer, Luther, and the Orthodox churches of the East and see how our Christian history relates to our lives today. At EfM we practise integrating faith and life and communicating our faith to others.
Who participates?: EfM is designed for lay people of all ages. At baptism we are all called to ministry. Although it is a four year program, don’t let the four years be overwhelming, as we only ask for a one year commitment at a time.
This year, Yvonne Bayne, Catherine Brown, Wendy Crooks, Hugh Mitchell, Susan Sioui and Mary-Ann Wood are graduating from the Dio/Lachute group which met online this year. Tom Edmonds and Linda Spear are graduating from the Sutton group at Grace Church. Congratulations!
Hugh Mitchell, a recent graduate, shared this about his experience; “I have benefited greatly from the four years of EfM. Firstly, there is the pure knowledge. I know a lot more than I did four years ago about the Old Testament, the New Testament, the history of Christianity and of current religious and theological thinking.
Secondly, my own theological and religious thinking has evolved, particularly in the last year. In previous years, my understanding of the Bible and Christianity evolved, but not so much my faith. In this last year, my thinking about my own faith was significantly impacted.
Thirdly, my ability to preach as a Lay Reader was improved by my increased knowledge and by the better understanding of faith in general and my own faith in particular.
Lastly the social interaction with the other members of the EfM group was both enjoyable and supportive. The group bonded (as one would expect over four years) and evolved positively as new members came in at the beginning of the fourth year. Well worth the effort.”
Annual fee of $350 plus $100-$150 on textbooks with opportunities to purchase them second-hand.
Registration and Open Houses:
Registration in late spring and summer to begin in September. We will offer a hybrid EfM group, meeting in person at Montreal Dio on the McGill campus and online. Open Houses are listed below. If a group at your parish wishes to have an individual presentation please be in touch.
Zoom Open Houses (contact Nancy for the link):
Wed May 24, 8-9pm
Monday June 12, 8-9pm
Tuesday August 29, 8-9pm
For more information:
Nancy Greene-Gregoire 514-862-5367 or [email protected].
Nancy Greene-Gregoire
Ms Nancy Greene-Gregoire is the EfM Coordinator for the Diocese of Montreal since 2017.