June 2021

Action réfugiés Montréal NOMINATION d’une nouvelle directrice générale

Le conseil d’administration d’Action réfugiés Montréal est heureux d’annoncer la nomination de Carolina Manganelli à titre de Directrice générale, et ce en date du 3 ...
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Tyndale St-Georges – a refuge for the people of Little Burgundy

Ms. Shauna Joyce is the Executive Director of Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre. People need people, it is as simple as that. After a year of ...
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Le nouveau site web fait ses preuves! (Une vraie histoire)

Mark Gibson est le co-fondateur de la CMAQ Imaginez que vous êtes une anglicane, arrivée de l’Amérique latine comme demandeuse d’asile au Québec avec quelques ...
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Say Yes! to a Bright Future

Ms Michelle Hauser is a Development Consultant at the Anglican Foundation of Canada. “We really didn’t know what to expect when we launched the Say ...
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Start Thinking BIGG: Believe, Inspire, Goals and Get it Done

The Rev Deacon Jessica Bickford is Co-founder of the Phoenix Community Projects When you were a child, what was your favourite imaginary adventure? Were you ...
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So, You’re Considering Hybrid Worship? Some helpful information before you start

The Very Rev’d Bertrand Olivier is the Dean of Montreal and the Rector of Christ Church Cathedral Do not worry: The cathedral is still very ...
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Research Reveals an Opportunity for Parishes

The Rev Canon Dr Neil Mancor is the Congregational Development Officer for the Diocese. COVID-19 has had a dramatic effect upon charities and communities of faith ...
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Dio Convocation “Grateful to faith”

Ms Jennifer Towell wears many hats at the Montreal Diocesan Theological College where the Rev Canon Dr Jesse Zink is Principal At its annual Convocation ...
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Paul Clarke of Action Refugiés to retire this month

Congratulations and every blessing to Paul Clarke as he prepares to take on a well-deserved retirement after 8 years as Executive Director of Action Refugiés. ...
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