The Montreal Unit of PWRDF supports the Indigenous Responsive Program

There is a columnist from the New York Times whose work I read regularly. Nicholas Kristof champions the underdog and writes about situations of suffering ...
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Detail of a hand drawn sign that says We Welcome Refugees With Open Arms above a drawing of the Canadian Flag

PWRDF Refugee Network moves heaven and earth

refugee (noun) a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster (Oxford English Dictionary); someone ...
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PWRDF’S 2021 World of Gifts

Supporting World of Gifts is an investment in a sustainable future for some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. This year’s guide supports 17 partners ...
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The Montreal Unit of PWRDF supports the Indigenous Responsive Program

All wise groups seek input from those who are affected by their actions. When PWRDF plans a project it does just that.  PWRDF has formed ...
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