Summer 2024

Message de l’évêque, juin 2024

« J’entendis alors la voix du Seigneur qui disait : “Qui enverrai-je ? Qui donc ira pour nous ? ” et je dis : “Me ...
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Bishop’s Message, June 2024

“I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom should I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am. Send ...
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Jesus at 2000: A Retrospective

Searching through some old boxes a while ago, I was surprised to find an old Macleans magazine from 1999. The cover article was: Jesus at ...
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Celebrating the Richness of our Diversity – in Pictures!

This synod will be the last of the three years we focus on the theme of Racism: Listening Naming Reconciling. As the Anti-Racism Task Force ...
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