Update from PWRDF

As images of the Jasper wildfire fill our screens, many of us feel inspired to help. Last year PWRDF created a fund to allow you to do so easily and with confidence. Donations received through In-Canada Emergency response Fund make a significant impact in the lives of people in Canada affected by disasters, offering solidarity and hope for those who have lost so much.

PWRDF works with impacted dioceses to identify needs; this could include emergency accommodations, gift cards to purchase food, water and essentials, counselling and post-trauma supports, or locally identified long-term recovery activities to help rebuild community assets and increase community resilience.

To donate to PWRDF’s In-Canada Emergency fund, go to pwrdf.org/give-today.

Or mail a cheque to PWRDF at 80 Hayden Street, 3rd floor, Toronto, ON, M4Y 3G2. Please indicate In-Canada Emergency in the memo field.

On a local note, we are looking for new people to take on leadership roles in our Montreal chapter of PWRDF.We would love for some new people to join our planning team, to decide on the best ways forward. We would especially welcome young people to become involved, to help us with our social media efforts.

The work being done through PWRDF is an inspiring and tangible manisfestation of our faith. We have found being involved in it to be so rewarding; we would love others to experience it as well. There is so much opportunity and support through the national organization. We just need a few more enthusiastic souls to further the cause here at home. Interested? Contact Ann [email protected] or Ros [email protected]

  • Ann Cumyn

    Mrs Ann Cumyn, along with the Rev Ros Macgregor, is Co-chair of the Montreal Unit of PWRDF.

  • Ros Macgregor

    The Rev Roslyn Macgregor is the Chaplain of the Mile End Community Mission

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