Message de l’évêque, mars 2023
Je reviens tout juste de trois mois de congé sabbatique. Ce fut un temps merveilleux de repos, de lecture et de réflexion. J’avoue que je
The Rt. Rev Mary Irwin-Gibson is the 12th Bishop of Montreal.
Je reviens tout juste de trois mois de congé sabbatique. Ce fut un temps merveilleux de repos, de lecture et de réflexion. J’avoue que je
I have just come back from three months of sabbath leave. It was a wonderful time for rest, reading and reflection. I confess that I
Lent begins on March 2nd, Ash Wednesday, and like many of you, I feel as if I have been observing Lent for the last two
À la mi-octobre, j’ai visité le Territoire des peuples pour son Assemblée (ce que nous appelons réunion du Synode). Ils ne se réunissent pas tous
In the middle of October, I visited the Territory of the People for their Assembly (what we know as a meeting of Synod). They don’t
The experiences of the past year have changed us as a church and challenged us to reflect on who we really want to be. And
Some of you may remember the children’s television show with a lamb puppet that would sing “this is a song that never ends” and the