Spring 2023

Cathedral Celebration

Esther Guillen (confirmed), Leonard Ciornii (received), Bishop Mary, Jeannine Belanger (received) and Livy Jordon holding newly baptised Skyla Reign Jordon at Christ Church Cathedral January ...
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The Anglican Fellowship of Prayer – Canada

Creator God, in the beginning, you formed us from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into our lungs. This breath ...
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Crosstalk Daycamps

Is your community looking for a summer outreach ministry that goes beyond the average boxed VBS? Crosstalk Ministries Day Camps can meet your needs! Our ...
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News from Mile End Mission

We remember all who have died, especially Neil, a much-loved long-time member and Noemia (Nancy) a dedicated, always hard-working volunteer. We also remember Colin Munro, ...
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Montreal service of prayer for Christian unity

A broadly ecumenical group of Christians, and church leaders from the Roman Catholic, Anglican, United, Baptist, Orthodox and Armenian traditions, gathered for our annual Montreal ...
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The Montreal Unit of PWRDF supports the Indigenous Responsive Program

There is a columnist from the New York Times whose work I read regularly. Nicholas Kristof champions the underdog and writes about situations of suffering ...
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The Diocesan Synod Office Staff Remembers Marcel De Hêtre

Along with countless others, we were saddened to hear the news of Marcel De Hêtre’s passing on November 11, 2022 at the age of 57. ...
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Rev Dorothy Samuel

Janet Best, working tirelessly to get the shot

EDITOR’S NOTE: I am excited to put a spotlight on the work of our diocesan photographer, Janet Best. As the editor of this paper, as ...
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Message de l’évêque, mars 2023

Je reviens tout juste de trois mois de congé sabbatique. Ce fut un temps merveilleux de repos, de lecture et de réflexion. J’avoue que je ...
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