June 2023

Where are all the young people?

As a young person who has been active in the Anglican church my entire life, I am often met with confusion (“young people don’t like ...
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A Nature Mission Camping Project – Summer 2023

For a second year, the Mile End Mission is making plans to send a group of children to the Quebec Lodge Outdoor Centre on Lake ...
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The Ocean

In 2020, people spoke about it. It wasn’t just on the news and in the media, it was in the coffee shop and in the ...
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Multi-parish and Ecumenical Easter Vigil Shines Bright in the Dark

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it: Celebrating Easter in the dark Holy Week is always a stressful time ...
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St. Joseph’s Church, Brossard: Growing a Garden Community

Isaiah 58:11 “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will ...
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Bishop’s Message, June 2023

I am reflecting on the Book of Acts, chapter 2. Fresh from his own experience of the Holy Spirit filling him on the Day of ...
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Dio convocation: A Celebration of Unity and Academic Accomplishment

On May 8th, Montreal Dio & United Church Studies at Dio had its first convocation as an ecumenical college. It was a joyful celebration of ...
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Risen up! The Cathedral Spire Shines Again

The Rise Up! Project, which set out to restore the Cathedral’s iconic spire, has finally finished construction. The spire has, at long last, been unwrapped ...
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Bible Story Walk launched at St Paul’s in Greenfield Park

What is the Bible Story Walk All About? Stories matter… and as Christians, the most important stories we have are from our books of scripture. ...
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