Spring 2022

A Prayer from the Diocesan Representatives

God of concord and peace, we give you thanks and praise for the concept of Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Every January, we pray ...
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Say Yes! to Kids 2022: Growing a brighter future, today

The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) is stepping up its commitment to young people across Canada with an even more ambitious plan to fund ministry ...
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Innocence and Wonder

Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, our individual and shared sense of reality and stability has certainly been shaken to its roots. For children ...
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PWRDF Webinar Coming to a Computer Near You!

In 2021 PWRDF developed an exciting new way of fund-raising for Indigenous projects. This will be the focus of a webinar this spring. We will ...
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Why YOU might want to consider the Ministry of a Diocesan Lay Reader

Two thousand years ago, our Lord Jesus beckoned his disciples to come to him, as they were clinging to life on their battered fishing boat ...
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It Takes a Community

We at St. Paul’s have been very busy as the effects of the pandemic have definitely increased our mission work. Last spring we were approached ...
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New Growth

St Philip’s Church is blessed to be situated on a large lot; a green space which, until a few years ago, was mostly grass, a ...
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Play Like a Girl

Mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all? When you look in a mirror what do you see? Do you see ...
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Speaking through the mask…

Ahhh, Covid, the pandemic, an epoch of, “could you repeat that please” a time when so many have been muffled in their speech and their ...
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